Friday, February 18, 2011

What Backflip? Tasmanian Times attacks the Mercury and gets it wrong.....again.

Tas Times misfire Here (Note former independent federal candidate Ben Quin calls for a retraction)

....."Perhaps in the next few days the Mercury will pen another editorial on the topic. One can only suspect that any suggestion that the last 12 years experiment has been “disastrous” and produced “almost dysfunctional government” and “tiny and weak” oppositions will be consigned to the rubbish bin. Instead, if there is anything at all, we are likely to be informed that a quality democracy is a luxury we just can’t afford"..........(Bob Burton writing on the Tasmanian Times today).
Now read the editorial in the todays Mock. Oh dear Tas Times. Oh well at least the attack wasnt anonynmous this time.
Todays Mercury Editorial


  1. That was Bob Burton not TT. Why can't you get the story right?

  2. Dont blame me tiger. It was TPOS not me.

  3. Dont blame me. It was Pilko
